Weather Service Report

ASUS66 KMTR 131845
Regional Temperature and Precipitation Table
National Weather Service San Francisco CA
1030 AM PST Fri Dec 13 2024

:Values are highs...lows and precipitation
:the last 24 hours.     M=missing  T=trace.
:+ = data current as of 10:30 am...all other data
:    as of 04:30 am
: ID :   Location          Elev :     High/ Low / PP24HR /
:...North Bay...
KENC1:   Kentfield          145 :      55  /   M  /    M   / 
NSHC1:   Napa                35 :      60  /   M  /    M   / 
APC  : + Napa Arpt           33 :      57  /   49 /   0.24 / 
SARC1: + San Rafael         120 :      55  /   49 /   0.16 / 
STS  : + Sonoma Cnty Arpt   125 :      54  /   47 /   0.33 / 
STSC1:   Santa Rosa         145 :      58  /   M  /    M   / 
:...San Francisco Peninsula...
HMBC1:   Half Moon Bay       27 :      64  /   M  /    M   / 
RWCC1:   Redwood City       145 :      54  /   50 /   0.08 / 
SFOC1: + San Francisco      150 :      54  /   51 /   0.21 / 
SFO  : + San Francisco Arpt   8 :      60  /   52 /   0.13 / 
:...East Bay...
CCR  : + Concord Arpt        23 :      59  /   51 /   0.01 / 
FETC1:   Fremont             38 :      56  /   M  /    M   / 
HWD  : + Hayward Arpt        47 :      60  /   53 /   0.11 / 
LVK  : + Livermore Arpt     393 :      58  /   48 /   0.05 / 
OAMC1: + Oakland             30 :      55  /   51 /   0.10 / 
OAK  : + Oakland Arpt        86 :      60  /   53 /   0.02 / 
RICC1:   Richmond            20 :      58  /   M  /    M   / 
:...South Bay and Santa Clara Valley...
GILC1:   Gilroy             194 :       M  /   M  /    M   / 
SJC  : + San Jose Arpt       51 :      60  /   53 /   0.09 / 
:...Monterey Bay and Big Sur...
PPSC1:   Big Sur RAWS       354 :      53  /   47 /   0.13 / 
MRY  : + Monterey Arpt      165 :      58  /   51 /   0.02 / 
SCRC1:   Santa Cruz         130 :       M  /   M  /    M   / 
WVI  : + Watsonville Arpt   160 :      59  /   49 /    T   / 
CTOC1:   Corralitos         327 :      52  /   49 /   0.12 / 
:...Interior Monterey County/San Benito County...
HSEC1:   Hollister          404 :      54  /   48 /   0.10 / 
KICC1:   King City          320 :      58  /   M  /    M   / 
SNS  : + Salinas Arpt        84 :      59  /   48 /   0.13 / 
PCLC1:   Pinnacles NP      1322 :      51  /   46 /   0.04 / 
PKFC1:   Parkfield         1525 :      50  /   30 /   0.00 / 

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final
quality control by the National Centers for Environmental
Information. Therefore...these data are subject to revision.
Final and certified climate data can be accessed at


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