Period of Record General Climate Summary - Temperature

Station:(422484) EMERY
From Year=1901 To Year=1978
Monthly Averages Daily Extremes Monthly Extremes Max. Temp. Min. Temp.
Max. Min. Mean High Date Low Date Highest
Year Lowest
Year >=
90 F
32 F
32 F
0 F
F F F F dd/yyyy
F dd/yyyy
F - F - # Days # Days # Days # Days
January 37.1 10.9 24.1 65 31/1971 -20 21/1937 31.9 1911 8.4 1937 0.0 8.8 30.6 4.5
February 42.0 16.1 29.1 67 25/1904 -20 13/1905 39.3 1954 15.4 1933 0.0 4.1 27.8 1.8
March 50.0 22.8 36.4 74 06/1972 -5 01/1922 45.4 1910 29.5 1948 0.0 0.7 28.4 0.0
April 59.3 30.0 44.6 82 26/1910 8 17/1978 51.3 1946 38.0 1945 0.0 0.0 18.7 0.0
May 68.8 37.8 53.3 89 30/1920 12 01/1915 60.0 1934 45.3 1905 0.0 0.0 7.3 0.0
June 77.6 45.5 61.5 98 25/1970 28 01/1917 67.5 1977 50.5 1914 1.2 0.0 1.1 0.0
July 83.4 52.2 67.9 98 26/1931 28 05/1968 73.0 1931 59.4 1905 4.1 0.0 0.1 0.0
August 81.3 50.7 66.0 98 08/1961 30 23/1968 70.1 1969 58.8 1914 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
September 74.4 42.0 58.2 91 11/1917 19 25/1902 64.1 1911 49.0 1912 0.1 0.0 3.2 0.0
October 63.4 32.3 47.9 85 05/1920 7 30/1971 54.4 1950 38.6 1905 0.0 0.0 15.4 0.0
November 50.1 21.7 35.9 75 03/1909 -5 28/1976 45.2 1917 29.5 1938 0.0 1.1 27.8 0.1
December 39.6 13.5 26.6 67 06/1911 -19 25/1924 35.3 1958 18.0 1921 0.0 6.5 30.6 2.2
Annual 60.6 31.3 46.0 98 19310726 -20 19050213 50.1 1934 42.3 1904 7.6 21.3 191.0 8.6
Winter 39.6 13.5 26.6 67 19040225 -20 19050213 32.6 1934 19.5 1937 0.0 19.4 88.9 8.5
Spring 59.4 30.2 44.8 89 19200530 -5 19220301 51.6 1934 39.8 1917 0.0 0.7 54.4 0.0
Summer 80.8 49.5 65.1 98 19310726 28 19170601 68.9 1977 57.2 1914 7.5 0.0 1.2 0.0
Fall 62.6 32.0 47.3 91 19170911 -5 19761128 52.5 1909 41.6 1904 0.1 1.2 46.4 0.1
Table updated on Jul 28, 2006
For monthly and annual means, thresholds, and sums:
Months with 5 or more missing days are not considered
Years with 1 or more missing months are not considered
Seasons are climatological not calendar seasons
Winter = Dec., Jan., and Feb. Spring = Mar., Apr., and May
Summer = Jun., Jul., and Aug. Fall = Sep., Oct., and Nov.

Western Regional Climate Center, wrcc@dri.edu