14-Day Climate Anomaly Table

: Summary of values for the  14 possible days 
:   between the dates 160729  and  160811
: Temperatures in degrees F, Precipitation in inches
: Dep - departure from average
: Pct - percent of average
: h  - No. days with at least one-hundredth inch (0.01")
: q  - No. days with at least one-quarter inch (0.25")
: i  - No. days with at least one inch (1.00")
: Nt - No. days with both Max and Min Temp available
: Np - No. days with Daily Precipitation available
: Pos - No. of possible days.  At least    1 days needed : for this table.
: Missing data denoted by -99
: ** NOTE ** Based on unedited Provisional Data ** NOTE **
: Data sources:  Western Regional Climate Center
:                Climate Analysis Center

:ID/Name    Pos Tmax  Dep Tmin  Dep Tave  Dep Nt Precip    Dep  Pct  h  q  i Np

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Western Regional Climate Center